G.O. Get Outside Podcast releases 100th episode!

Jason B. Milligan – Wild Lens Collective member, G.O. Get Outside podcast producer, co-founder of Butcher Bird Studios and generally multi-talented Louisiana-born mountain babe. Jason’s podcast is just about to reach its landmark 100th episode, so we thought we should celebrate by telling our Wild Lens community all about it, and all about Jason too.

Exploration, adventure and the outdoors have always been a huge interest for Jason, so his progression into a career celebrating his passions was seemingly written in the stars, despite a few hurdles. “Growing up in Louisiana, I spent a fair amount of time outdoors, but adventure sports never seemed like an option. Climbing was something I saw on TV or in magazines. Besides, Louisiana has no mountains or boulders. I had to settle for trees. Surfing was something I longed to do, yet it was also out of reach. I wanted to try backpacking, but never did, even though I joined a club in High School that could have shown me how. I told myself I couldn’t afford it. Louisiana is known as Sportsman’s Paradise. The sports this encompasses are hunting and fishing. I knew many hunters and fisherman growing up, but not a single person who could have shown me how to tie a figure eight or paddle into a wave. The outdoor activities that interested me seemed complicated, expensive, and out of reach. I would finally learn otherwise at the age of 29 after living in California for four years. I think this is the norm. Many of us suspect that outdoor and adventure sports are something reserved for the elite, something beyond our capabilities. They aren’t. We merely need the personal drive and directions to the starting line. It took me nearly three decades to find the trailhead. I hope we can help others get there sooner.”

Jason’s production company, Butcher Bird Studios, is a creative studio and production company founded by director-producers Steven Calcote, Jason Milligan, Luis Reyes, Michael Shlain and Travis Stevens. They make stuff, all sorts of stuff, some of it takes place outside. You can watch some of their films here. But, today we are really here to talk about the G.O. Get Outside podcast which, as we mentioned earlier, has just reached its 100th episode! This amazing podcast series is a radio-style interview show for people who like to get outdoors or would like to get outdoors. Whether you are BASE jumping off of a flying unicorn or hiking around your neighborhood in between diaper changes, you have a place there.  

In the 100th episode, Jason talks to climber Taylor Carpenter, who taught herself to sew and started a business – Static Climbing – in her bedroom. Dedication, serendipity, and contributions from others would help it grow into a successful operation serving a global climbing market. For this landmark episode, Taylor and Jason sat in a yard in Bell one evening discussing her competitive athletic youth, her penchant for injury, the challenges of growing a business, dealing with anxiety, and the controversial chalk bag choice of belt or carabiner.

Listen to the podcast here and subscribe to never miss another episode! Want to find out how you can become a member of the Wild Lens Collective? Find more information here.


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