Native Youth for Habitat Restoration

Rooted Resilience: Empowering Native Youth through Habitat Restoration

A group of dedicated high school students from the remote Duck Valley Native American Reservation along the Idaho-Nevada border are given the opportunity to learn about native plant restoration in this short documentary. These students collect seed from native sagebrush plants, then plant and propagate these seeds until they are ready for planting as a part of a native plant restoration project on the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area in Southwest Idaho. An inspiring story about a unique native youth education program.

We worked in close collaboration with the non-profit group, Birds of Prey NCA Partnership in producing this video. The Birds of Prey NCA Partnership is a new friends group created to support the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation area through science, education and partnerships. This organization was able to launch the Native Youth for Habitat Restoration project with the help of a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Learn more about the Birds of Prey NCA Partnership here:


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