Sea otters, like many other species, have experienced a serious population decline which dates back to the 1800’s when they were hunted to near extinction, and in fact to extinction in some areas, during the fur trade. Humans thought they needed the fur of a sea otter more than sea otters did.  Unfortunately, this decimated their populations. Populations today fluctuate by region, but nonetheless sea otters are a species of concern as they continue to face a variety of obstacles that pose a threat to their survival.

Wild Lens has a special place in our heart for sea otters, which is why we have collaborated with a number of biologists to share their knowledge and stories about them, while also raising awareness about this charming animal. Once again, we teamed up with the non-profit organization Sea Otter Savvy  with whom we produced the short film, Sharing Space with Sea Otters. This experience inspired the creation of a fun and animated music video featuring the talented band The Whizzpops. This extraordinary group of musicians has a mission to create music focusing on wildlife and conservation that educates and entertains youth as well as adults.

The purpose of this video is to educate people about sea otters, with a specific message of how to interact with them in a respectful and safe manner. Our approach was to not lecture, but to engage all ages into song and dance as all lessons should be. So remember: sing your heart out and learn to understand and appreciate sea otters. Let’s love them and give them space as they float!

Sea Otter Savvy

Harmony in the Waves: Celebrating Sea Otters Through Music and Conservation

Sea otters are an extremely unique species in that they have truly amazing traits that allow them to thrive in the ocean. Sea otters are the smallest marine mammal on the planet, living off the coasts of Japan, Russia, British Columbia, Alaska, Washington, and California. As ocean water can be frigid otters remain warm in their dense coat of fur which makes up for their lack of blubber. Sea otters are part of a small group of species that use tools to harvest their prey. This suggests intelligence and creativity. Although many biologists detest this phrase, most people believe sea otters to be some of the cutest creatures around.


Native Youth for Habitat Restoration


Advocates for the West